Thursday, November 21, 2013

Selfie disaster

I suck at taking selfies, feel uncomfortable and ridiculous. 
But I wanted to ask for help on what to wear as I was going to see David Sedaris at Carnegie Hall with my friend Åsa. 
First put on the wrap me dress. 

Then tried the Need dress. But when I checked the pics, I saw you couldn't quite see the whole person shoes and all. 

So thought I should stand on a chair. 
Sadly fell off chair and it hurt so much. 

And just as I cursed myself and the pain, I could hear the autorelease shutter smatter off, capturing the humiliation which I am now sharing with you. 

Then turned out it was freezing cold so I settled for long johns under my Fatal pants. Added Tux jacket and was ready to go laughing. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Just in case

Carry Lake blouse with me in my bag just in case I decide to go somewhere where I'll have to look a little bit fancy.
Weighs nothing, takes up no space, saves me on any occasion.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

För er som är i Stockholm imorgon torsdag 7 november

Meddelande från Kerber: We wish you a Happy Wednesday with a Thursday treat, 30% on the Butterfly dress at the Open Studio tomorrow! À bientôt!

Alltså: Om ni går till Kerber på Erstagatan imorgon torsdag får ni köpa Butterfly dress 30% billigare. Den är råskön.